Musings from the Oil Patch – April 13, 2010

Musings From the Oil Patch
April 13, 2010

Allen Brooks
Managing Director

Note: Musings from the Oil Patch reflects an eclectic collection of stories and analyses dealing with issues and developments within the energy industry that I feel have potentially significant implications for executives operating oilfield service companies.  The newsletter currently anticipates a semi-monthly publishing schedule, but periodically the event and news flow may dictate a more frequent schedule. As always, I welcome your comments and observations.   Allen Brooks

Obama: New Wildcatter Or Leading Bait ‘n Switcher? (Top)

On the last day of March, President Obama went to Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland to stand in front of an F-18 jet fighter called the Green Hornet, which is scheduled to fly powered by biofuel later this year, and announce he was recommending lifting offshore drilling curbs.  The symbolism of pushing for more offshore drilling while highlighting biofuel for military jets was not lost on all observers.  The announcement, when fully dissected, showed the administration made concessions in areas where they were destined to lose court cases, but they may actually be slowing down future offshore drilling.  Yes, President Obama says he wants to open the East Coast waters from Delaware south to central Florida for offshore exploration, but ultimately it all depends on Congress signing on to the plan.

Exhibit 1.  Obama Touts Offshore Drilling As A Defense Issue
Obama Touts Offshore Drilling As A Defense    Issue
Source:  EPA

The staging symbolism was highlighted by the president’s comments.  In talking about his decision to open new coastal regions to offshore exploration, he said, “The bottom line is this: given our energy needs, in order to sustain economic growth we are going to need to harness traditional sources of fuel even as we ramp up production of new sources of renewable, homegrown energy.”  In reality, the offshore drilling announcement was designed to win a few Republican senate votes for the potential energy bill being drafted by Senators John Kerry (D-MA), Lindsay Graham (R-SC) and Joseph Lieberman (I-CT).  The legislation they are writing is designed to attack carbon emissions through cap-and-trade on a sector by sector basis rather than economy-wide.  That means the utility industry will have one set of regulations implemented on a certain date while refiners would have a slightly different set of regulations and a different date and manufacturers would have yet another set of regulations and implementation date. 

Under the draft legislation, the utility regulations would start in 2012 and the manufacturers in 2016.  This approach, some Democrats argue, would hamper the bill’s ability to reduce emissions.  “This approach is likely to make the system more complex and less cost-effective,” said Robert Stavins an environmental economics professor at Harvard.  But as Fred Krupp, president of the Environmental Defense Fund, a U.S. “green” group said, “cap-and-trade is certainly our preference, but it’s a policy approach, not orthodoxy.”

On the offshore drilling front, the administration has proposed to allow the oil companies holding leases in the Chukchi Sea off Alaska to go ahead and drill, but all future lease sales in that region have been delayed until another round of environmental studies is done for it and the Beaufort Sea.  Bristol Bay, an area off Alaska the Bush administration had opened to drilling, has also been placed off-limits.  As well, the entire Pacific coast will not be open for drilling, despite its prospective geology, along with the Atlantic coast from New Jersey northward to Maine.

Exhibit 2.  New Offshore Leasing Picture
New Offshore Leasing Picture
Source:  The New York Times

In deciding to open the southern portion of the Atlantic coast, the Obama administration is only proposing allowing environmental and seismic studies.  Plans for any lease sales in the area would not begin until a new five-year plan is approved for 2012-2017.  Public hearings are scheduled to begin on the plan shortly.  At the end of the day, it is entirely possible that the Democratic-controlled Congress will not go along with Obama and leave the East Coast drilling moratorium in place.  The Obama proposal also would delay the sale planned off of Virginia’s coast that was initially driven by Republican state legislators. 

President Obama is proposing to allow Gulf of Mexico drilling off Florida in the area that extends beyond 125 miles off the coastline.  While this is a positive for the oil and gas industry, the decision raises questions of whether people should believe President Obama or Candidate Obama who campaigned hard in Florida on a pledge to keep all its waters off limits to drilling. 

The politics of this offshore drilling moratorium are very interesting.  About five years ago, while attending an annual meeting of the National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA), I had the occasion to talk to a senior E&P executive who was involved in the 1970s East Coast drilling effort.  At the time of our discussion, natural gas prices were in the $8 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) range.  He told me that if the East Coast area was opened for leasing again he wouldn’t drill a well but rather would start laying a pipeline because he already knew there was natural gas in the area.  He was referring to the 1977 drilling that took place in Baltimore Canyon some 50 to 90 miles off Atlantic City, New Jersey.

The gathering of seismic data off the East Coast began in the early 1960s but picked up steam in 1969 when the concept of group shoots developed.  We find this timing curious as it coincides with the time period when people believed the U.S. was running out of natural gas supplies from the Gulf of Mexico.  In order to encourage increased exploration for gas, the Federal Power Commission, which regulated the market for natural gas sold to pipelines engaged in interstate commerce due to the Supreme Court decision in the 1954 Phillips Petroleum case, allowed gas buyers to make advance payments for gas supplies to help fund the exploration effort.  Under the regulatory scheme, monies advanced to E&P companies could be included in the “regulatory rate base” that was used for determining the earnings allowed for pipeline companies.  These pipeline advance payments would be offset against future gas supplies delivered by the E&P companies, but if there were no new gas supplies, the advance payments were forgiven.  The payment did remain in the pipeline company’s rate base earning the allowed rate of return. 

Exhibit 3.  Baltimore Canyon Is Promising Gas Province
Baltimore    Canyon Is Promising Gas Province
Source:  Minerals Management Service

On August 17, 1976, the Minerals Management Service held an auction of 154 leases off the East Coast raising $1.17 billion in lease bonuses.  Drilling on these leases commenced in 1977.  A total of 35 wells were drilled in Baltimore Canyon.  Eight of the 35 wells were drilled in Hudson Canyon, which is part of the greater Baltimore Canyon, and five of them tested natural gas at flow rates ranging between 5.9 million cubic feet per day (mmcf/d) and 18.9 mmcf/d.  One of the wells also tested oil from a shallower formation at a flow rate of 630 barrels per day of 48.4° API-quality crude oil.  The oil was found in a Texaco well that tested 18.9 mmcf/d of gas.

Drilling of the Texaco well was performed by Ocean Drilling & Exploration Company (ODECO) whose offshore drilling rig fleet today forms the core of Diamond Offshore’s (DO-NYSE) fleet.  ODECO was founded by drilling pioneer Doc Laborde, who helped create the offshore drilling and supply vessel industries.  The drilling operations were supported by two supply vessels using Atlantic City, New Jersey and Davisville, Rhode Island for bases.  Wells generally took 100-150 days to drill, although the length of time was impacted by the amount of well testing and coring that was undertaken to gain intelligence about the formations.  We have seen one well cost an estimated $8.9 million.

As analysts go back and look at Baltimore Canyon, they will find it sits on a trend extending from offshore Nova Scotia to Maryland.  The 1999 Deep Panuke discovery by EnCana (ECA-NYSE) near Sable Island offshore Nova Scotia provides encouragement that Baltimore Canyon could equally be as promising an oil and gas bearing region.  What we have found, however, is that the offshore leasing program is a vote-getting effort aimed at various senators – keeping certain ones on the reservation by banning offshore leasing off their state’s coast and winning others by appearing to modify the offshore drilling moratorium. 

Exhibit 4.  Where Natural Gas Reserves Were Discovered
Where Natural Gas Reserves Were Discovered
Source:  Minerals Management Service

New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) came out opposed to President Obama lifting the offshore drilling moratorium.  In a release issued by his office on the day of the announcement, Sen. Menendez is quoted as saying, "I have let the administration know that if they do not protect New Jersey from the effects of coastal drilling in the climate change bill, then my vote is in question. I am deeply concerned about the threat coastline drilling poses to the Jersey Shore’s economy and to the potential for new jobs and energy savings that can be harnessed in a clean energy economy. If issues like coastline drilling are being promoted to gain Republican votes and support from oil companies, then we need to know exactly how much support it will actually deliver — this can’t be a case of giving up something for nothing.”  So how to protect the New Jersey shores?  Let’s close the doors and discuss the situation!

Exhibit 5.  Baltimore Canyon On Trend With Canada Gas Field
Baltimore     Canyon On Trend With    Canada Gas Field
Source:  Minerals Management Service

A critic of the proposed offshore leasing expansion is Michael Lynch, a Massachusetts energy consultant.  In an op-ed in The New York Times, he opined that easing the offshore leasing ban would do little to impact the U.S. oil supply picture.  He also doesn’t believe the change will have any impact on gasoline pump prices in the foreseeable future.  In his view, the country would be better served if the offshore drilling ban along the Pacific Coast were lifted as we are certain that there are substantial oil reserves along with an oil and gas producing infrastructure to help process and transport the oil.  What a strange thought – an economist from Massachusetts recommending drilling offshore California!

In order to get any climate/energy bill through the Senate, even with a 59 Democratic majority, President Obama needs the votes of at least one Republican.  But he actually may need more as it appears that he can’t keep the votes of Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) and Ben Nelson (D-ND).  So how to win crossover votes?  Give them something they want – offshore drilling – or prevent something they don’t want – offshore drilling.  The one thing President Obama is desperately trying to avoid is a debate about blocking his authority to regulate carbon emissions via the Environmental Protection Agency, his Plan B if the energy/climate bill fails. 

At the end of the day, this offshore drilling proposal is largely a public relations exercise designed to try to sway senators to vote for the upcoming energy/climate change legislation.  It may also become one of the all-time bait ‘n switch events.  All the proposed changes to the offshore drilling moratorium will require Congressional approvals and we know where most of their sentiments lie.  Additionally, the potential high-profile drilling that was scheduled for offshore Virginia will not happen until at least 2012.  Drilling in Alaska’s Chukchi Sea will go forward, but based on the court cases it was likely to happen anyway.  By delaying other lease sales in the Chukchi Sea and Beaufort Sea and putting Bristol Bay off limits along with the entire Pacific Coast, the Obama administration has probably done more harm than good in relation to developing the nation’s potential oil and gas reserves and edging us closer to self-sufficiency. 

Climate Change Supporters May Use Civil Disobedience (Top)

At the beginning of April, Greenpeace posted a blog from member Gene from Greenpeace India about the future of the climate change movement in light of the collapse of the climate summit in Copenhagen last December.  The blog was long so the web site divided it into two parts and posted them on consecutive days.  The first part was about the disappointment from the failure of the Copenhagen talks and the role the fossil fuel industry and its subsidized supporters played in undercutting them.  Particularly singled out were David and Charles Koch, the brothers heading Koch Industries, the largest private company in the world as of 2008.

Part two of the blog dealt with the frustration over the collapse of the Copenhagen talks and the mushrooming ClimateGate scandal that has eroded support for climate change legislation.  The blog ended with a vitriolic claim that sparked sharp rebuke on the Internet and the media.  The concluding sections said: “The proper channels have failed.  It’s time for mass civil disobedience to cut off the financial oxygen from denial and skepticism.

“If you’re one of those who believe that this is not just necessary but also possible, speak to us.  Let’s talk about what that mass civil disobedience is going to look like.

“If you’re one of those who have spent their lives undermining progressive climate legislation, bankrolling junk science, fueling spurious debates around false solution, and cattle-prodding democratically-elected governments into submission, then hear this: “We know who you are.  We know where you live.  We know where you work.

“And we be many, but you be few.”

It is unusual for a respectable global organization such as Greenpeace to fall into fomenting civil disobedience, and it is equally surprising it promotes blogs employing the proverbial Mafia threat – we know where you live!  The reaction to this blog was immediate and sharp forcing Greenpeace to remove it.  In writing the organization’s mea culpa (they posted the blog entry on a separate but linked website), Ananth said the following; “We got this one wrong, no doubt about it. I’m holding up my hands on behalf of the organization and saying sorry for that. Peaceful action is at the very core of what we do, so any language that even comes close to suggesting that’s not the case is something we cannot support.” 

In making his apology, Ananth fanned the fires with his characterization of the critics. “Of course the anti-science brigade on the web has seized on the line [the threat] in Gene’s post and run with it (and will run and run and run), taken it out of context and run with it some more – it’s what the climate contrarians exist to do.”  Increasingly, climate change supporters are being forced to admit failure after failure of the scientific claims that underlie the scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming caused by man’s existence and they don’t like it. 

It is interesting to note that over the 18-year period 1990-2008, U.S. total net GHG emissions increased by 15.3%, according to the 2010 EPA GHG inventory report.  The report points out that emissions declined in 2008 from 2007, but the drop is attributed to the economic recession.  If one looks at the 1990-2000 period, however, GHG emissions rose by 22.3%, or more than two percent per year.  On the other hand, over 2000-2008, GHG emissions declined 5.7%.  While a little over 50% of that decline occurred in 2008, our guess is that GHG emissions have fallen further in 2009.  The decline in GHG emissions since the turn of the century has been accomplished without the 1,700 pages of legislation comprising the Waxman-Markey bill.  Maybe market forces and our existing regulatory rules have already turned the corner on U.S. GHG emissions.  If so, Congress should be careful in dealing with energy/climate change legislation or they could damage the economy, hurting its recovery and ability to create jobs.  Our wish for Congress is to “do no harm.”

Gas Prices Reflect Little Worry Over Hurricane Forecast (Top)

Last week’s price action of natural gas futures suggested there is little concern among buyers about the potential for a more active hurricane season disrupting available gas supply from the Gulf of Mexico.  Gas prices bounced around the $4 per Mcf level most of the week, responding to news about the upcoming revision to the EIA’s 914 survey of domestic gas production and gas storage inventory data rather than recognition that the latest Colorado State University (CSU) hurricane forecasting team had boosted their estimate of the number of tropical storms, hurricanes and major hurricanes. 

In its traditional early spring forecast revision, the hurricane forecasting team, led by Professors Philip Klotzbach and William Gray of the Department of Atmospheric Science at CSU, lifted its forecast for the number of tropical storms, hurricanes, major hurricanes and storm days in each category that can be expected this hurricane season into the upper end of its earlier December 9th forecasted ranges.  The forecasting team now expects 15 named storms, eight hurricanes and four major hurricanes.  If the forecast materializes, this year’s storm season will resemble the hurricane seasons of 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2008.  As we know, those years included some of the worst hurricanes to hit the Gulf Coast and Southeast United States in recent years – Katrina, Rita, Ike, Ivan and Isabelle to name a few. 

Exhibit 6.  Hurricane Forecast Suggests 2010 A 2005 Repeat
Hurricane Forecast Suggests 2010 A 2005    Repeat
Source:  Colorado State University, PPHB

To reinforce the potential for a significantly more active and potentially destructive storm season, the CSU team provided its estimates for hurricane landfalls.  The CSU team predicts that a major hurricane has a 45% chance of hitting somewhere along the U.S. East Coast including the Florida peninsula, which compares to a 31% average for the last century.  The probability of a major hurricane landing somewhere along the Gulf Coast extending from the Florida Panhandle westward to Brownsville, Texas at the Mexican/U.S. border is estimated at 44% compared to 30% for the past 100 years.  These forecast percentages clearly suggest the Gulf Coast and U.S. East Coast need to be alert this coming storm season.  The forecast suggests possible energy supply problems this summer and fall for the U.S.  How severe those problems might be are impossible to know at the current time, but recent history suggests there could be significant problems. 

Just how bad things could become needs to be analyzed in the context of recent past experience, but importantly the repairs and altered operating policies due to past storm damage may mitigate the problem.  Additionally, the emergence of substantial and growing natural gas production from onshore gas shales has reduced some of the energy supply risk from storm-induced lost production from the Gulf of Mexico.

It is interesting that the CSU forecast team has included 2005 as an analog year in preparing their forecast.  That was the infamous year that produced hurricanes Katrina that destroyed New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast and Rita that hit the Upper Texas Gulf Coast and southwestern Louisiana.  Both of these storms caused extensive damage to the offshore oil and gas industry infrastructure disrupting both onshore and offshore gas drilling, production and transportation along with refinery operations in the region. 

Exhibit 7.  Analog Hurricane Years Include Infamous 2005
Analog Hurricane Years Include Infamous    2005
Source:  Colorado State University, PPHB

As usual Dr. Gray also took on the issue of the role of global warming and Atlantic basin hurricane activity.  He continues to produce data that undercuts the argument for rising CO2 being the cause of increased frequency and intensity of hurricanes.  He also attacks the theoretical rationale for that argument.  We will review this analysis in the next Musings as we find it interesting, cogent and important to understand given the upcoming energy and climate change legislation debate in the next several months.

Will El Niño Impact Oil Market More Than We Think? (Top)

Venezuela has been hit harder than most other countries by El Niño’s impact on regional weather patterns.  When the weather impact is combined with the government’s mismanagement of its power industry, average Venezuelans are hit with power outages that make daily life challenging.  Venezuela is confronting an electricity crisis that may have greater ramifications on the future of global energy markets than is currently perceived.

The nation’s electricity crisis is the result of years of neglect in maintaining its electricity infrastructure along with rising electricity demand and the drought conditions caused by El Niño.  Just as Venezuela’s oil industry is notorious for a lack of transparency, the state’s electricity industry is equally as bad, making understanding the magnitude of the power problem difficult to measure.  For example, on March 17th the national electricity grid operator, OPSIS, posted figures saying that electricity generation stood at 15,070 megawatts (MW) while demand was at 15,074 MW, producing a 4-MW deficit.  Other data has suggested Venezuela had an electricity reserve capacity in the second half of 2009 of nearly 25%.  Which data should we believe? 

It is possible this disparity is consistent as the Venezuelan government began heavy subsidies for electricity use that along with service theft caused demand to skyrocket to more than 700 MW above the available system capacity of 16,600 MW according to intelligence firm, Stratfor.  Whatever the nature of the statistics, the

Exhibit 8.  Electricity Capacity Has Fallen Rapidly
Electricity Capacity Has Fallen Rapidly

reality is that Venezuela doesn’t have enough power to meet citizen and business needs. 

Exhibit 9.  Guri Dam Near Ciudad Bolivar
Guri Dam Near Ciudad Bolivar
Source:  EIA

At the center of the nation’s power shortage is the Guri dam, which, along with the nearby Francisco Miranda and Antonio Jose de Sucre dams, provides about 65% to 70% of Venezuela’s electricity.  Due to the drought conditions hitting Latin America caused by the Pacific Ocean’s El Niño effect, the water levels at Venezuelan lakes have been dropping.  As of March 18th, the reservoir level behind the Guri dam stood at approximately 252 meters above sea level, placing it close to what the Venezuelan National Electric Corporation (CORPOELEC) says is the dam’s “collapse level.”  If that level were to be reached, 80% of the dam’s power generation turbines would have to be shut down resulting in widespread electricity rationing and outages throughout Venezuela.  Based on the current rate of decline in water levels the critical level may be reached by late May. 

Exhibit 10.  Falling Water Levels Approaching Collapse Limit
Falling Water Levels Approaching Collapse    Limit

Interestingly, José Gregorio Sottolano, head of the government’s National Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology, has announced that El Niño has weakened.  According to reports, he said that El Niño has gone from moderate to weak and that the country should soon experience rain.  For Venezuelans we hope he is correct.  We can report that a couple of weeks ago when we were in Panama City it experienced its first downpour since the start of the winter dry season.  That rain storm, which was quite severe but short, came weeks ahead of the normal start of the region’s rainy season.  As for Mr. Sottolano, his comments go against the official government explanation of the electricity crisis that Venezuela is experiencing the worst El Niño since Simon Bolivar died at Santa Marta in Colombia in 1830.

As the water level dropped into the danger zone, several things happened.  The Venezuelan government of President Hugo Chávez resorted to creative acts to minimize the power outages while demonizing industry and company officials.  It extended the country’s Easter holiday – beginning it on March 29th, rather than April 1st – in an attempt to lower power consumption.  A Venezuelan web site reported that during the holiday period, military troops patrolled many of the shopping malls ordering stores to close in contravention of the legal requirement they remain open every day of the year except Christmas, Good Friday and New Year’s Day.  The government’s action made for an extended 8-day national holiday period.  The government also penalized 96 businesses, which CORPOELEC said in a study had not been following earlier rationing plans for reducing their power consumption by 20%, by cutting off their power for 24 hours with threats that if they still failed to comply with rationing, the next cut-off would last for 72 hours. 

The Chávez government sent buyers to the United States and Europe seeking to purchase electricity generating equipment with rapid delivery timetables.  In the interim, some businesses are using portable power generators reminiscent of the Chinese phenomenon in 2004 when that country’s oil demand surprised all forecasters by soaring well beyond estimates.  Questions abound about Venezuela’s ability to pay for any power equipment it purchases.  A recent report by Morgan Stanley suggests that Venezuela’s balance of U.S. dollar reserves is falling rapidly and will continue to fall.  As the trends used for the forecast suggest, the country’s capital flight, rising imports, falling oil output and rising domestic oil consumption are hurting its bank balances. 

Exhibit 11.  Venezuela’s Dollar Balance Dropping
Venezuela’s Dollar Balance    Dropping
Source:  Morgan Stanley

The government has received offers from Colombia and Ecuador to sell Venezuela surplus power.  The problem is that Venezuela and Colombia are not on friendly terms as a result of military clashes on the border and the Ecuadorian power would have to pass through Colombia on its way to Venezuela.  Lastly, CORPOELEC was ordered to fire all its executives (reminiscent of the destruction of PdVSA, the state oil company) and it shut down its web site on March 31st that reported the Guri dam’s water level.  (As of April 10rd, the statistics on the web site were still not available.)

Exhibit 12.  Venezuela May Face Currency Problem
Venezuela May Face Currency    Problem
Source:  Morgan Stanley

(The graphs are the result of modeling the country’s dollar balance using the trends in import growth, capital flight, oil output decline, rising local oil consumption using the future oil prices as predicted by the oil futures market. Then, there are two scenarios: In the “severe” scenario” (Top graph), the projection is made using the trends of the last three years. In the benign scenario (Bottom graph), they use the trends of the last twelve years.)

(In each scenario there are two projections, which reflect simply whether the Carabobo project will or not contribute to the dollar balance before 2015. (Note that the first step after the two fields were assigned was not complied with, contracts were supposed to have been signed last week, they weren’t. Apparently the Government is not complying with any of the changes it offered to make in the contracts before the auction took place.))

Stratfor has been closely following the electricity crisis in Venezuela and reported that the last time it was able to access the CORPOELEC web site (the morning of March 31st) the Guri dam water level was reported to be 250.11 meters.  The previous day, the water level read 250.44 meters, meaning that the water level had fallen by 33 centimeters in one day during a holiday week.  That fall should be a major concern for the Chávez government and may reflect that the dam has more serious problems that are not being reported.  In addition, the OPSIS web site reported that during the prior week the water inflow rate to the reservoir had dropped from 900 to 434 cubic meters per second over a two-day period.  Continued rain-free days and falling water levels may lead to the government increasing its censorship of the electricity data.

Information from the Venezuelan Academy for Engineering shows the position of the turbines at the Guri power plant.  As shown in the nearby chart, eight of the Guri turbines, two of which are not working, that generate 5,600 MW are at 238 meters.  Two government officials said that these turbines could operate at 236 meters of water.  Note that there are six additional idle turbines at lower depths and one has to question why these turbines are not being repaired.  The problem with trying to operate the turbines at marginal water depth limits is cavitations caused by air bubbles entering the turbines.  The bubbles rise further into the turbine and then burst changing back into water that after a while can damage the blades and ruin the turbines.  There also are questions about the warranty limits of Hitachi’s turbines installed in the Guri dam. 

Exhibit 13.  Location Of Guri Dam Turbines
Location Of Guri Dam Turbines
Source:  Venezuela Academy for Engineering

Given the sharply rising power demands in Venezuela, the government has been pushing an expansion of the nation’s power supplies.  If all the proposed power generation facilities are built and on schedule, Venezuela’s power capacity would expand by 4,420 MW by 2012.  Lately, the Chávez government has been claiming that all this power capacity will be installed in the next 12 months, which is clearly unrealistic.  In fact, as pointed out by several commentators, the Planta Centro I plant of 400 MW was originally scheduled to come on stream last October and then this past February.  It has yet to start up and no revised timetable has been provided.  Unless conditions change, it is highly likely that the government’s schedule for adding electric generating capacity will not be met.

What are the implications for Venezuela’s oil business if its power industry craters?  As one of the world’s major oil producing countries, Venezuela relies heavily on the income it gains from the

Exhibit 14.  Venezuela Plans For Significant Power Expansion
Venezuela Plans For Significant    Power Expansion
Source:  Venezuela Academy for Engineering

export earnings of the industry.  The problem is that President Chávez has used the income from his oil exports to promote his social revolution not only within the country but throughout Latin America.  From providing funds to military groups promoting his brand of socialism to funding cut-rate petroleum supplies to Cuba and occasionally to northeast U.S. cities, Chávez has used oil money on consumption rather than investment.  His economic problems are compounded by the politicization of the major industries in Venezuela that began with the oil business.  Since he won the battle against the leaders of PdVSA in the early years of this century and replaced the technically competent managers with politicians, Venezuela’s oil production has struggled to grow, and in fact has fallen in recent years.  The production declines have been largely offset by rising crude oil prices that have ensured substantial money flows.  But now that PdVSA’s cash is being used to support agricultural and social goals, it has less money to fund new exploration and development of oil and gas resources. 

In January, Venezuela was rewarded with a huge expansion of its potential oil resources by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) arm of the Interior Department.  The USGS reviewed the heavy oil resources in the Orinoco belt of Venezuela, boosting the country’s “technically recoverable” reserves, assuming cost is not a concern, to 513 billion barrels from the generally accepted reserve estimate of 99 billion barrels.  This new estimate would make Venezuela the world’s number one oil reserve country surpassing Saudi Arabia with an estimated 264 billion barrels.  The problem is these reserves require significant investment in processing plants to make the bitumen approach traditional oil qualities.  After having nationalized the plants owned by Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM-NYSE) and

Exhibit 15.  Venezuela Proven Oil Reserves Third In World
Venezuela Proven Oil Reserves    Third In World
Source:  EIA

ConocoPhillips (COP-NYSE), attracting capital for new ventures is proving challenging.  So far, Venezuela has been able to attract interest from national oil companies in Italy, China, Viet Nam and Russia. 

Exhibit 16.  Orinoco Belt Has Extensive Heavy Oil Reserves
Orinoco    Belt Has Extensive Heavy Oil Reserves
Source:  EIA

It was interesting that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin made his first ever visit to Venezuela during the extended Easter holiday following Mr. Chávez’s eight Moscow visits since 2001.  According to press reports, Mr. Putin was trying to sell military hardware and planes to Venezuela while it still has money.  He reportedly was also dropping off a check for $600 million from the consortium of five Russian oil companies planning to invest $18 billion to develop the Junin 6 plot in the Orinoco belt.  Mr. Putin may also have been trying to send a message to the United States.

If the power situation in Venezuela doesn’t improve soon, there will be an impact on the country’s citizens and industry, including the oil business.  To provide power in the near term there will be greater reliance on portable generators meaning increased domestic oil consumption unless existing demand is reduced meaningfully.  With greater pressure on sustaining existing production and rising internal consumption, there will be fewer barrels for export.  Reduced exports mean less income for the government.  These conditions suggest an increased risk of political as well as economic upheaval in Venezuela.  While creating oil supply and demand challenges, a government change could significantly alter the global oil market.

Exhibit 17.  Venezuela Production Falling
Venezuela Production Falling
Source:  EIA

A different government in Venezuela would present an interesting challenge for the Obama administration.  The country is the fourth largest oil supplier to the United States.  With the U.S.’s second largest oil supplier, Mexico, experiencing long-term production declines that may restrict its ability to export oil in a few years, Venezuela could become a welcome ally for the United States assuming the South American country has oil to export and a friendlier government. 

We were intrigued in a comment by President Chávez as he welcomed Mr. Putin.  Mr. Chávez said, “We are not going to build the atomic bomb, but we will develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.  We have to prepare for the post-petroleum era.”  Was Mr. Chávez trying to curry favor with Russia or was he secretly reflecting on his country’s future?  We are not prepared to answer that question nor place odds on Venezuela becoming our new best friend.  It certainly presents an interesting development to contemplate when considering long term trends that could impact the U.S. and global oil industries.

Did Ted Kennedy Defeat Cape Wind From The Grave? (Top)

After a surprisingly quick review, the five-member panel appointed to review the Cape Wind historical preservation issue delivered its views on the question to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), which in turn delivered a report to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar recommending rejection of the project.  We say surprisingly quick since the panel was only appointed in mid-March and held one public hearing on Cape Cod on March 22nd.  The official seven-page report of the ACHP was released April 2nd and Sec. Salazar must now consider its recommendation as he reaches his final decision on whether to approve Cape Wind by the end of April.  There remain lawsuit threats if the project is approved. 

Supporting the ACHP’s rejection recommendation were comments stating: “The indirect and direct effects of the Project on the collection of historic properties would be pervasive, destructive, and, in the instance of seabed construction, permanent.  By their nature and scope, the effects cannot be adequately mitigated at the proposed site.”  That sounds to us like a complete rejection of Cape Wind while appearing to hold out promise of another possible site.  That prospect was raised earlier and all possible other sites were rejected for being inefficient in their ability to generate sufficient wind – which is what a wind farm is all about.

When we wrote about the appointment of the panel in the last issue of Musings, we speculated that it was designed to give cover to the Interior Secretary’s decision.  We have felt that the weight on the conclusion would come from the Interior Department’s and Obama administration’s desire to improve its standing with American Indians.  It appears the government advisory panel bought into all the Indian arguments about the negative impact of the 130-wind turbine project, while chastising the Minerals Management Service (MMS) and the Corps of Engineers for tribal consultation that “was tentative, inconsistent, and late.”  According to the report, the Indians raised their concerns about the historical significance of the Nantucket Sound location in 2004, only three years after the Cape Wind project was initially proposed.  The report also states that the Corps of Engineers began consultations in April 2005, nearly five years ago.  The MMS assumed primary responsibility for approving the project latter because it was determined this organization had the most experience dealing with offshore energy operations. 

A troubling aspect of the decision was the panel’s unwillingness to disclose the specific nature or location of the Indian historical sites that are being impacted by Cape Wind’s turbines.  According to the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) and the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, their tribal name stands for “first light” and their daily rituals require an unobstructed view of the Nantucket Sound horizon at dawn that would be destroyed by the sight of the wind turbines.  While we understand the desire to keep their rituals secret, it remains difficult to comprehend that these rituals haven’t been observed by some citizens in the area.  Or are we talking about secret religious rituals that can’t be disclosed because they aren’t practiced?

Exhibit 18.  Indians To Play Role In Future Energy Projects
Indians To Play Role In Future Energy    Projects
Source:  Wikipedia

According to the ACHP report, “At issue are adverse effects to 28 historic districts and individual historic structures and six properties of religious and cultural significance to Indian tribes, including Nantucket Sound.  Two of the historic districts are National Historic Landmarks.”  Those two historic districts are the Nantucket Historic District that encompasses the entire island of Nantucket, which includes the historic village of Nantucket Town, a surviving 19th century seaport town, and the Kennedy Compound at Hyannis Port on Cape Cod. 

The crux of the rejection recommendation was the conclusion that the wind turbines would adversely affect the viewsheds of all 28 above-ground historic properties and six sites sacred to the Indians.  Additionally, the construction of Cape Wind would have a direct adverse effect on the Nantucket Sound seabed, something that cannot be mitigated.

Exhibit 19.  Viewsheds Are Endangered
Viewsheds Are Endangered
Source:  Cape Cod Times

The importance of the Indian issue cannot be underestimated.  The Department of the Interior has had an ongoing legal battle over the mismanagement of the accounting for and the development of the natural resources on Indian lands.  The Congress may soon take up legislation to pay a huge financial settlement to the Indians and it may also consider legislation to overrule the 2009 Supreme Court decision rejecting the demands by the Narragansett Indians for the Interior Department to take land in Charlestown, Rhode Island into trust for the tribe’s benefit because the tribe was not recognized by the federal government in the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934.  It was not until 1983 that the federal government recognized the Narragansett tribe. 

Regardless of whether or not the Congress passes legislation overturning the court’s ruling, the Interior Department is still seeking to improve its relationship with the Indians.  Several of the recommendations by the ACHP on how the department should deal in the future with the Indians on offshore wind farm approvals are instructive of why Cape Wind’s approval, or that of any other wind farm in New England waters, is highly questionable.  The key language of the ACHP comment on future Indian dealings states:  “…agencies of the [Interior] Department should take further steps to acknowledge the ‘special expertise’ of Indian tribes in ‘assessing the eligibility of historic properties that may possess religious and cultural significance to them.’  Due deference should be given to the views of an Indian tribe regarding the impact on historic properties that are integral to the cultural and religious identity of the tribe before deciding to approve an undertaking that will have an adverse effect on such sites.”  Sounds like a blank check for the Indians to reject any project they don’t like or want. 

The recommendation of the ACHP drew sharp criticism from Massachusetts’ environmental secretary Ian Bowles, a supporter of Cape Wind, who said the committee “has gone well beyond its charge from Secretary Salazar, which was to provide advice as to mitigation.”  That characterization was immediately challenged by John Fowler, the executive director for the ACHP.  He said the panel’s role is not limited to advice on mitigating the impacts of projects.  “We are a permanent standing federal agency and we’ve been in business since 1966.  Our charge comes from the National Historical Preservation Act and the regulation that implements it, not Secretary Salazar.  Our goal is to have historic preservation be a factor in an agency’s final decision.”

The bigger question, however, revolves around the economic benefits from Cape Wind – or any offshore wind project.  A 2008 study conducted by the Beacon Hill Institute at Suffolk University in Boston of the cost-benefit for the offshore wind project concluded that “the Cape Wind project would not be worth the resources it would cost.”  The authors of the study estimated the economic costs of the project at $2,216 million (in 2008 dollars) while the benefits would only amount to $1,184 million, or a “waste” of $1,033 million.  The study did not try to assess the costs of issues the authors viewed as clearly negative and possibly quite large, but are hard to quantify such as the danger of oil spills, damage to fish and fishing, and the impact of turbines on birds and bats.  In the end, their conclusion rests on the fundamental problem of the very high cost of producing electricity at sea, which the study estimated would be between 13.3 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) and 24.8 cents per kWh.  Their single point estimate was 18.8 cents per kWh.  They point out that this is extremely expensive against the average cost of wholesale electricity in Massachusetts, which was just under 7.0 cents per kWh in 2007.  Interestingly, their price estimate is about the price in the power contract being negotiated by Cape Wind and National Grid (NGG-NYSE).  The top end of the study’s price band was close to the price negotiated, and subsequently rejected by the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission, for the offshore Block Island wind project.  The rejection was for the same reason Beacon Hill finds Cape Wind uneconomic – the power is too expensive!

The critical question to be asked about the Cape Wind and Block Island projects is whether the economics of offshore wind power will kill this fledgling industry?  Will offshore wind power ever be able to demonstrate that it is competitive?  Or is the industry destined to be a ward of the state subsidized by the public for social and environmental considerations that may be rapidly evaporating.  Watch to see what Sec. Salazar decides sometime between now and the end of April.  Our guess is the last chapter in offshore wind, and Cape Wind in particular, has yet to be written.

Portland Says Half Its Emissions Come From Stuff (Top)

The Metro Council, the regional government for the 1.5 million citizens living in the Portland, Oregon area recently released a study as part of its effort to focus on addressing climate change.  The study showed that driving cars and heating homes aren’t the region’s biggest sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  The region produced 31 metric tons (nearly 68 billion pounds) of GHG emissions in 2006.  The study was done in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Agency, the State of Oregon and local jurisdictions. 

The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory showed that 48% of the region’s emissions came from extracting, manufacturing, shipping, recycling and disposing of products and food, much of which is produced outside of the region.  The results were surprising as they proved that climate change consists of more than coal-fired power plants and automobile tailpipe emissions.  The Portland study showed that 27% of its GHG emissions come from residential and commercial building energy consumption and 25% from local transportation emissions.

"We looked at the impact of our 1.5 million residents and determined our per capita carbon footprint is similar to the average U.S. citizen, with lower-than average numbers on transportation and energy, and higher numbers on materials," said David Bragdon, Metro Council president. "Despite the region’s reputation for environmental

Exhibit 20.  Portland’s GHG Emissions From Stuff
Portland’s    GHG Emissions From Stuff
Source:  Metro Regional Government

stewardship on some issues, we are still contributing significantly to the problem because of our choices as consumers."  If the issue is no longer power generation and auto pollution, the target has to be people. 

Targeting people is consistent with the views of more radical environmentalists who have argued that the only way to deal with climate change is to reduce population growth.  This view is a modern version of The Limits To Growth commissioned by the Club of Rome in 1972 and updated 20 and 30 years later.  A 2008 research paper published in Australia reports that the 30-year record of industrial production, food production and pollution is consistent with the 1972 projections.  None of these dire outlooks factor in the ingenuity of people or the ability of new technologies to address the challenge.  This intellectual battle is what underlies the climate change debate and is fed by state funding of research to support the case for increased government intrusion in our everyday life.

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Parks Paton Hoepfl & Brown is an independent investment banking firm providing financial advisory services, including merger and acquisition and capital raising assistance, exclusively to clients in the energy service industry.