Energy Musings, January 24, 2023

Winter Storm Elliott Shakes Up Electrify Everything Narrative

Renewables As Our Energy Future Confront Pushback

Battle Over Methane Ignores Where It Comes From

Random Energy Topics And Our Thoughts

Coming Clean About The Cancellation Of Keystone XL Pipeline

Will Sweden’s Rare Earth Discovery Make Any Difference?

IEA Vehicle Cost Tracker Not Positive For EVs

We Warned About China’s Demographics; Suddenly It Is Topical

Energy Musings, January 24, 2023 Read More

Energy Musings, November 29, 2022

Energy Market Outlook Seen By Investors And Analysts

Inflation And Interest Rates Continue To Roil Energy Markets

New England’s Winter May Not Be Fun As It Will Be Costly

Europe’s Energy Wildcards Less Effective Than Anticipated

Random Energy Topics And Our Thoughts

• Can You Reach Net Zero By 2050?
• New England Offshore Wind Market Declining Into Chaos
• COP27 – A Cop Out?

Energy Musings, November 29, 2022 Read More

Energy Musings, November 15, 2022

Age Of Inflation: More Unseen Challenges For The New Normal

New York Times Climate Skeptic Has Change Of Heart

COP27 Struggles For Relevance In Energy-Challenged World

October’s Stock Market Harvest Was Very Good For Energy

Random Energy Topics And Our Thoughts

Virginia Offshore Wind Project One Step Closer To Construction

Misleading Chart On EVs, But Conclusion Remains The Same

Ominous Challenges For Global Economy, Society, And Energy

Energy Musings, November 15, 2022 Read More
A picture containing water, boat, sky, outdoor Description automatically generated

Energy Musings, October 18, 2022

On The Road Again

Gas Versus Electric: Vehicle Use Determines Choice

Biden’s Energy Policy Clashes With Geopolitics

Random Energy Topics And Our Thoughts

China Mounts Challenges To Global Clean Energy Industries

New Offshore Wind Technology Key To Better Economics?

Hurricane Ian Reopens Debate Over Storms and Climate

What Environmentalists Do Not Know About Petroleum

Energy Musings, October 18, 2022 Read More